바이오에프디엔씨 홈페이지

메인 비주얼 배너 영역

핵심기술 Core Technology

바이오에프디엔씨의 핵심기술입니다. Plant cell platform technology


바이오에프디엔씨 식물연구를 반영하는
식물(Plant)과 멀티오믹스(Multi-omics)가
단어로 식물을 총체적으로 연구하는
학문을 의미하며,

Genomics, Transcriptomics,
Metabolomics, Glycomics를 포함합니다.
Plantomics is a term that combines the words "plant" and "multi-omics",
reflecting the study of plants in a comprehensive manner. Multi-omics
encompasses genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and glycomics.

Plantomics 기반 식물세포 플랫폼 기술 Plant cell platform technology based on plantomics

  1. 빅데이터 기반
    식물세포주 설계
    Big data-based plant cell line design
  2. 식물세포주 확보 Acquisition of desired plant cell lines
  3. 식물세포 뱅킹
    (Plant Cell Bank)
    Plant cell banking
  4. 식물세포 배양 Plant cell culture
  5. SMART-RC² 신기술
    적용 대량배양
    technology-applied large-scale culture
  6. 유효물질 및
    약리물질 생산
    Production of bioactive and pharmaceutical materials

Ⅰ설계고도화 요소기술 I. Advanced Design Technology

식물세포주 설계 기술 Plant Cell Design Technology
  • 식물세포주 개발을 위한 캘러스 유도 및 게대배양을 통한 스크리닝 기술 Screening technology for plant cell line development through callus induction and subculture
  • 식물 유효성분 분석 및 개량 기술 Technology for analysis and improvement of plant bioactive compounds
  • 유전자 재조합 / 유전자 편집 기술 Genetic recombination / Gene editing technology
  • 식물세포주 동결보존기술 및 Plant Cell Banking Plant cell cryopreservation and plant cell banking technology
  • 식물 가상세포 (Plant GEM) 설계기술 Virtual plant cell (Plant GEM) design technology

Ⅱ생산고도화 요소기술 II. Advanced Production Technology

식물세포 배양/생산 기술 Plant Cell Culture / Production Technology
  • 식물세포 대량 배양공정 기술 Technology for mass culture process of plant cells
  • 식물세포 배양 SMART-RC² 신기술 SMART-RC²-applied plant cell culture technology

식물세포주 설계 및 배양생산 기술의 진화 Evolution of plant cell platform technology

기술도입기 (2005~2009) Technology introduction(2005~2009) 기술발전기 (2010~2014) Technology development(2010~2014) 기술도약기 (2015~2020) Technology breakthrough(2015~2020) 기술혁신기 (2021~현재) Technology innovation(2021~now)

식물세포주 유도기술 Plant cell line induction technology

Plant Cell Line
Plant Cell Line

식물세포배양공정기술 Plant cell culture process technology

Plant Cell
Plant Cell

SMART-RC² 신기술 SMART-RC² new technology


Plant GEM

Plant GEM based
Plant GEM based

Digital SMART

Plant GEM based SMART-RC²
Plant GEM based
  • 식물복원 및 B/D 바이러스 프리 무병묘 스탁 생산사업화 Plant restoration and commercialization of virus-free plant cell lines
  • Customized 성장인자 생산용 엔지니어링 식물세포주 개발 Development of engineered plant cell lines for growth factor production
  • Customized 항체 생산용 엔지니어링 식물세포주 개발 Development of engineered plant cell lines for antibody production
  • Customized 백신 생산용 엔지니어링 식물세포주 개발 Development of engineered plant cell lines for vaccine production
  • 동결보존 세포주 뱅킹 및 B/D Cryopreservation and cell banking B/D
  • 식물세포주 기반 Neutraceuticals 생산사업화 Commercialization of plant cell line-based neutraceutical production
  • 엔지니어링 식물세포주 활용 성장인자생산사업화 Commercialization of engineered plant cell line-based growth factor production
  • 엔지니어링 식물세포주 활용 항체 생산사업화 Commercialization of engineered plant cell line-based antibody production
  • 엔지니어링 식물세포주 활용 백신 생산사업화 Commercialization of engineered plant cell line-based vaccine production
  • 식물세포주로부터 피토케미컬 생산사업화 Commercialization of plant cell-derived phytochemical production
  • 식물세포주로부터 특정대사체 생산사업화 Commercialization of plant cell-derived metabolite production
  • 식물세포주로부터 식물엑소좀 생산사업화 Commercialization of plant cell-derived exosome production
  • Protein Shelled Nanoparticle 처리를 통한 SMART-RC² 신기술 R&BD R&BD of SMART-RC² technology incorporating protein-shelled nanoparticles
  • 장미 가상세포(Rose GEM) 구축 Establishment of virtual rose cell model (Rose GEM)
  • SMART-RC² 적용 인삼 가상세포(Ginseng GEM) 대사 네트워크 연구개발 Research and development of metabolic networks in virtual ginseng cell model (Ginseng GEM) using SMART-RC² technology
  • Plant GEM based 생산효율 극대화 기술개발 R&D for GEM-based technology to improve production efficiency in plants
  • Plant GEM based SMART-RC² 신기술 R&D R&D for GEM-based SMART-RC² technology
  • 세계 최고 수준의 식물세포플랫폼 기반 Therapeutics 생산 기술 개발 Development of world-class plant cell platform-based therapeutics production technology